14. Provisions, Modification and Amendments of These Terms

14.2 We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions contained herein at any time at our sole discretion if necessary, and we have no obligation to notify you in advance. If we change the terms hereof unilaterally, we will post the revised terms immediately on our website. Please check the latest information available on that website. After the above changes are announced, your continued use of our Services shall be deemed as your acceptance of the changes to these Terms. If You do not agree with the changes to these Terms, you must stop using our Services.

14.3 You should read these Terms and any other relevant agreements and rules that are incorporated herein as mentioned in above Clause 14.1 and Clause 14.2 carefully. If you have any questions regarding the above terms, please contact us, and we will provide reasonable and necessary clarifications. Unless otherwise required by us, you should contact us and transfer files to us via email (“Formal Communication”). You can also contact us informally by phone (“Informal Communication”). Unless otherwise agreed by parties, any Formal Communication should be in conducted in English. If there is any discrepancy between the English correspondence and the non-English correspondence, the English version shall prevail. If any terms of any Formal or Informal Communication are inconsistent with the terms of these Terms, the terms of these Terms shall prevail.

14.4 If there is a discrepancy between the English version of these Terms and the translation of other languages version, the English version of these Terms shall prevail.

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